
Printed Glass for Specialty Food Packaging

Benefits for Speciality Food Makers 

Although more and more wineries are embracing direct glass printing because of its permanent adhesion, fade-resistance and lack of bubbles, specialty food makers are also realizing the benefits of going direct printing on glass.

Since specialty food packaging is all about quality and uniqueness, it makes sense that these same manufacturers would want to frame their products in the best possible light. Direct bottle printing looks classy and it’s hands down seen as more appealing by customers.

If you’re a customer walking through Whole Foods and you’re looking for an artisanal cheese or certain brand of truffle, you know quality and you know what you’re after. The last thing that you want to see is a fraying label or off-center logo, right?

Direct glass printing overcomes these challenges while allowing designers more possibilities and overall flexibility. No longer hampered by fluctuating humidity, fraying labels or worries about adhesives, designers can translate their vision for the brand directly into reality.

Design Flexibility and Cost Efficiency 

Speaking of the reality of specialty food packaging, though, oftentimes speciality foods come in non-traditional or diminutive packaging. In California, consistently one of the top gourmet and speciality food manufacturers in the country, organic and homemade products often don’t have a cookie-cutter, 12-ounce-bottle style.

Printing direct onto the bottle is an excellent way to overcome some of these logistical challenges by allowing you to print multiple labels in multiple colors on the same bottle. With the ability to accommodate orders of 25,000 cases, or even more, an established bottleprinting company with a generation of experience in local markets in a huge plus.

Whether you’re an established or up-and-coming artisanal cheese maker, gourmet coffee producer, or craft brewery looking to launch a new bottle – or rebrand with fresh ideas – we have the resources to make it happen.

Remember that with direct printing your bottles will now be resistant to scuffs as well as water and humidity damage.

Better Logistically and…Environmentally! 

Another practical boon to direct printing that’s not often discussed is weight. Using high-quality inks and direct printing across tens (or hundreds) of thousands of bottles per year translates to potentially tons less in weight.

It’s estimated that with 100,000 bottles your labels might collectively weigh as much as five tons, yet with direct bottle printing you’re adding less than 500 pounds collectively to the whole lot. That’s less than five percent of the weight that you’d be adding if you went the paper label route.

Yeah, you’ve probably heard a lot of these arguments before…well, did you know that direct bottle printing is much better for the environment?

In tandem with what we were saying before about the added weight and hassle of traditional labels’ physical paper stock, traditional labels create a waste stream from manufacturing the labels themselves to poor disposal: hardly carbon neutral.

You would also have to work in the added energy costs and carbon vis-a-vis the labeling plant’s energy use; many direct bottle printing firms in California sidestep this problem by utilizing wind power and other forms of renewable energy to get the job done.

Solvent-free and UV-curable, our inks are great for the environment and make more and more sense logistically for your expanding business.