
Screen Bottle Printing – Why Some Marketing Strategies Depend on It

Branding your bottled products is key to sales success. An innovative and exciting way for brands to stand out on the shelf is with screen bottle printing. The stiff competition that exists among the myriad available brands is requiring companies to get even more creative in their marketing strategies and many marketers are beginning to see the advantages of direct to bottle printing when positioning products in a crowded field.

Marketing Advantages of Silk Screening on Bottles

There’s more to it than appearance. For example, companies who want to position themselves as sustainable or eco-friendly can highlight the environmental advantages of eliminating paper labels. Today’s eco-friendly soy-based inks and an advanced curing method make the process greener than ever. Other reasons brands are choosing screen bottle printing include:

How Consumers Choose

Consumers make their initial product evaluations based on packaging, so your packaging design has a direct correlation to your product’s success. How do you position your products as a consumer’s best choice? By choosing an appropriate package design that influences a consumer’s decision on whether to purchase your product. It’s well-established that quality packaging is directly related to perceived value. When consumers perceive your products to be of value you’ll see increased sales and a healthier bottom line. And nothing says high-quality quite like gorgeous screen printing.

High Quality Packaging

An effective marketing strategy is one that sends the right message about your brand to consumers. An attractive packaging design is a reflection of your overall brand, so it’s key that the design you choose not only presents a “united front,” but that it speaks to your intended audience. The goal should be to build a loyal customer base that returns to your products again and again. Marketers know that in order to get new customers to try a product, their first impression needs to be one that says high-quality. Screen bottle printing is a terrific choice if you want your products to be perceived as a cut above.

Good packaging design communicates to consumers what your products are all about and, in a perfect world, makes them excited about purchasing it. When deciding on your screen bottle print design, ask yourself these marketing strategy questions:

The Wow Factor

Studies have shown that customers spend less than 3 seconds looking at a product before deciding whether to make a purchase. Will your bottle tell them what they need to know about your brand and company? If you want your product to be the one consumers reach for, nothing says “Wow!” like screen bottle printing. So contact us and enjoy the benefits.