Learn How Screen Bottle Printing Can Enhance Your Brand

Bottle printing is very important.  If you want to be the bottle consumers reach for, building and then enhancing your brand’s image is one of the most important business strategies you need to perform. Every winery dreams of producing the most recognized wine, one that consumers consistently rank their #1 choice. Imagine for a moment that it is your wine that distributors bend over backwards to distribute, and it’s your bottle that is immediately recognized by its distinctive label alone. That is the power of branding.

Screen Printed Bottles Enhance Your Brand Learn - How - Screen - Bottle - Printing - Can - Enhance - Your - Brand - Bottle Print - CA

The perfect wine label is equal parts art and science. What better way to add an unmistakable elegance to your wine bottles than through screen printing them? Screen printed bottles add a high-quality appearance, bolster your brand’s equity, and increase your label’s durability. Often referred to as applied ceramic labeling or silk screening, direct-to-bottle screen printing is steadily being seen as an exciting replacement for traditional paper labels.

There are a number of reasons choosing direct screen printing over paper will help elevate and enhance your brand. Here are just a few.

Label Distinction

Don’t follow the pack – take the lead. Let other wineries rely on conventional paper labels while you differentiate your brand where it matters most – retail. From neck printing to shoulder printing and full 360-degree wrap, screen printed labels are a unique way to say “we’re extraordinary.”

Shelf Appeal

The design of your label is an important branding and marketing decision, and it’s what initially attracts consumers to make their first purchase. Packaging plays a crucial role in capturing a customer’s attention and imagination. Use direct screen printing to create labels that say “buy me.”

Label Durability and Integrity

Eliminate the tears, scuffs, fading and bubbling that occur with traditional paper labels. If your bottles endure chemical exposure or long-term UV exposure, screen printed labels will stand the test of time without fading or being damaged. Plus, there’s no chance of your label being destroyed when the bottle is placed in an ice bucket or picnic cooler.

Bottle Line Efficiency

Screen printing allows for 360-degree printing around your wine bottles, which can be fully imprinted with all mandatories and bar codes while still maintaining their tactile feel. And there’s no need to slow the line for paper parts or roll changes. Fewer steps in the labeling process means less stress at the bottling stage.

Brand Storytelling

You no longer need to put all the “good stuff” up front. Make every side of the bottle its good side. From a branding perspective, packaging is marketing and marketing is storytelling. When the entire bottle is your canvas, you have a unique opportunity to tell a story that engages consumers where it matters – at the retail shelf.

If you want to enhance your brand, you need to tell customers your story quickly and in a compelling way. Contact us today to learn how to design screen printed bottles that consumers consistently reach for.